The 6-month group coaching program for values led online coaches & consultants to call in more qualified leads, more "HELL YES" sales, and start scaling to 7-figures in 20 hrs a week!

More Qualified Leads | More "Hell YES" Sales | Simple Scaling

Hey there, Baddie!

Ready to have a steady stream of qualified "HELL YES" buyers ready to pay you today?

Wanna scale to $1 million in less than 20 hours a week?

You DON'T need a huge audience - just the right one!

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You want to raise your monthly income from $8-15k to $30k+ - you've had a taste of big launches and higher months and you're ready to get off the minimum rollercoaster to start consistently making more

  • You have a 7-figure mission and you want to create offers you can fill quickly with tons of your fave clients without putting in more work

  • You want more soul mate clients buying your shit, you're ready to raise your prices without losing sales, and you know it's time to build a scalable offer suite

Yet you're wondering how your competition is doing it all - from getting more qualified leads and clients, selling out, and moving to evergreen - so you sneak onto their email list and pour over every detail of their sales pages, yet you don't get the same results.

Why not??

You know you're hella good at what you do.

When you're in the zone, client results are fucking earth shattering.

And you've worked with enough folks to get a taste of your absolute dream client.

The one who's fun and energizing to work with.

Who's self-led, doesn't need hand-holding, and does the work because she wants to get results.

You know how easy and fulfilling it is to get life-changing outcomes for the right damn person.

You want more clients JUST LIKE THAT.

Who are craving the exact results you provide.

Who you don't have convince or inspire cause they're READY to get to work.

Who aren't questioning your prices, methods, or investing cause they know they're investing in themselves.

You want the simplest, most efficient way to scale so you have more time, more freedom, and more profit in the bank.

You want to make more money YOUR WAY without working harder or using sleazy strategies.

Hi, I'm Melanie!

After I had my first $200k year, I started to burn out. I was working with 15-18 one-on-one clients every week and didn't have a lot of time for marketing, social media, or bringing in more clients.

Once I moved to groups, courses, and evergreen selling, my revenue took OFF and I got to work less while making MORE.

I've taken the simplest, most efficient steps to bring in hot & ready to buy clients, fill up my offers, and put sales on repeat that's created almost $2 million in revenue and put it into this bite-sized framework so YOU and my clients can do it too.

So far, they've made over $5 million since I started honing this in 2022.

The most amazing part was that I was able to grow my business working less than 6 hours a day 4 days a week while keeping the process simple for my ADHD brain so I didn't burn out.

My 10 years of entrepreneurial and coaching experience means I’ve SEEN a lot, and have the perspective of working with multi-6 & 7 figure businesses — so I can help you get where you want to go as efficiently as possible.

I bring my MEd in online learning and curriculum design to share frameworks and processes that keep your business simple so you can scale to the revenue you want.

I also add a feminist lens so you can ensure you’re treating humans well and are integrating anti-racism, equity, and compassion and your personal values into every biz decision you make. 

My vibe is badass and chill at the same time. I bring tough love + compassion in a combo I've never experienced anywhere else. I intentionally create a community that’s supportive and I’m known for raising up rockstars — and you're NEXT!

Client Celebration

I have generated $130K in just 2 rounds of the Mastermind!!!

Now I'm aiming for a $100k launch!

Mel is one of the best biz coaches out there and I’ve tried many coaches before her!

~ Julia Kotulova

$100k months are closer than you think.

Close your eyes and imagine...

✅ Calling in your dream clients with messaging that hits and has them in your DM's asking how to pay you NOW

✅ Creating offers your clients are shopping for and ready to buy NOW

✅ Confidently selling your services without feeling gross, pushy, or sleazy and signing new clients within 30 days

✅ Naps, walks, and long lunches with friends, cause you started your biz for flexibility, right?

✅ Feeling like a badass cause you know exactly when to raise your price, add more offers, and take your selling evergreen

This process creates massive results.

Don’t take my word for it, take theirs…

Here's what our clients are saying...

Here's the thing about growing a business that no one tells those of us socialized as women.

Business & sales frameworks were not created with us in mind.

We’ve all been taught to sell and scale by a toxic dude-bro patriarchal culture that values fat cash stacks and Lambos over helping you get the support you need.

That culture taught us ALL to twist the knife on pain points, convince on sales calls, and grind day and night to reach our goals.

Haaaaaard pass. 

That is NOT how you wanna run your business.

None of it is required and ALL of it feels awful with the side effect of creating a stressful business that you don't love.

It’s time to fuck that shit UP.

I know it’s tempting to look at others you've hired and folks blowing up on socials and try to mimic what's working for them.

But what you REALLY want is the simple, efficient strategies that work and the guidance of a mentor who will empower you to create the rebellious, F YES, sustainable business aligned with your values that you want.

I know it’s easy to get caught up in “go faster, do more” mentality.

That might work for a minute, but it’s not sustainable for the long-term growth you’re after.

That's why I created The Feminist Business Accelerator...

The ONLY program that gives you the tools and strategies to scale a sustainable business (with your values in tact!) AND the Bad B CEO mindset that makes your impact & income inevitable — without wearing yourself out or toxic sales tactics.

This ain't just a program, it's a movement.

We’re creating rebel feminist businesses — profitable, sustainable, and fun businesses that make bank AND make the world a better place for all humans...while keeping it as simple as possible for you.

It's time to create the business you dreamed of when you started it.

You'll use our Accelerated Process inside the Feminist Business Accelerator to...

  • Get clients ready to buy TODAY reaching out every week — so you have new folks consistently asking to hire you

  • Sales every month — selling feels easy, fun, and like a win/win for everyone involved

  • Scale Your Sales — fill your offers with more dream clients while still delivering a seamless, high quality transformation

  • Align your $1 Million Offer with your Dream Client's Results— so your offer is in crazy demand & you start scaling

Client Celebration

I'm going to make pass the $10K mark for the month with just my course alone. This will be my highest earning month in my entire life. I have crossed the $10k per month threshold 4 times this year. All with 'low ticket' offers. I'm so glad I joined. I got clear on who I'm talking to + sold out my webinars & courses.


~ Avery Young, Lactation Consultant & Course Creator

Why the Feminist Business Accelerator is Different

Most Masterminds, groups, and programs are either all strategy or all mindset.

Welcome to BOTH. 

The FBA empowers you with the strategies, mindset, and systems to build fun & profitable businesses, be a toxic patriarchal cycle breaker, and a generational wealth builder.

You'll get all the strategy, tools, and mindset you need to grow a sustainable, successful business through a feminist lens.

That means…

  • A hybrid model of course + group coaching + 1:1 check ins to support your business exactly when and where you need it most

  • Collaborative coaching where I offer suggestions, yet you decide what feels right for you

  • Mapping your values to the way you run your business – from how you onboard & deliver to clients to when you take time off

  • No more working with high levels of stress (hell no, hustle!) so you have a simple, scalable biz that's nourishing and fun to work in 

  • Rethinking wealth and success so you can make the money and impact that matches your genius, while giving back to your community too (if you choose to do so)

💥 The Feminist Business Accelerator is what you've been looking for. 💥

I'm bringing my MEd in online learning + 8 years business expertise to help you make your first $1 million.

FIRST — We'll dial in your scalable offer and make it juicy as hell

NEXT — We'll nail your messaging and get qualified folks DM'ing to work with you and ready to buy

THEN — We'll elevate your selling so it's a win/win for everyone and feels easy and fun

FINALLY — We'll create your simple systems to scale your selling.

This is NOT a one-size-fits-all approach.

I teach you the simplest options for your 7 figure business model so you can choose the offers and simple processes that work for the business you want.

If you want to grow and scale your online service-based business simply...

The Feminist Business Accelerator is for you.

You Should Enroll If...

  • You’ve been in business a couple of years, have a roster of clients, and an audience + you're ready to grow to multiple 6+ figures

  • You work with clients in coaching, consulting, done-for-you or done-with-you online services

  • You want to have more dream clients reaching out weekly & making sales every month

  • You're not freaked out about raising your prices or showing up on social media

  • You're already successful and want to make more every month without working more hours

  • You've been coached before, you're an action taker, and you're decisive AF

  • You're willing to do the work to figure out what your best fit clients want to buy until your messaging lands for them

  • You have (or are about to add) at least 1 team member not including you (VA, social media person, etc)

  • You’re committed to the long-term growth of your business and will devote at least 10-20 hours to it weekly

  • You identify as a woman or non-binary person

  • You want your feminist/progressive values to lead your business and client relationships

You Should NOT Enroll If...

  • You’re just getting started in your business or don't have an offer yet

  • You don't have either a social media presence or an email list

  • You work with corporate or business clients that have multiple decision makers and long sales cycles

  • You need help with corporate proposals, paid ads, or complicated tech/funnel support

  • You struggle to believe you can be successful or that dream clients will pay for your services

  • You get easily freaked out about or feel gross selling — for that, check out the Sell Like a Feminist course

  • You want overnight or easy success without the work involved for long-term success

  • You don’t have or won't invest at least 10-20 hours to work in/on your business each week

  • You're not willing to put yourself out there online, create relationships, and build your authority

  • You'd rather learn than implement — yes, there's course material inside but my goal is to get you out there making money

  • You don’t like to be coached to help your biz grow (that will be very loving, but may be challenging or uncomfortable at times)

  • You're not interested in group support or growing in community — for that, apply for my VIP 1:1 package

What You Can Expect in the Accelerator...

How you'll get there...

Our strategic phases to get you to 7-figures in 20 hours a week:

Client Celebration

I earned $204k in 12 months with you by simplifying and scaling my offers and I finally stopped overwhelming myself with hustle.  Best ROI ever! I’m so happy I found you!


~ Ana Verzone

Intro Pricing: $10,000 USD

Payment Options:

What's Included:

  • Weekly Strategy & Mindset group Zoom calls with Melanie + hot seat coaching to get you to and beyond $20k months

  • 1:1 Milestone check-in calls with Melanie at your first 30 days & at strategic points in your business growth to help you strategize

  • Trainings by phase so you can go at your pace and desired growth to get you to 7-figures in 20 hours/week

  • Weekly tracking so you and our team know how it's going and how to help when you get stuck

  • Facebook community for additional coaching requests, celebrations, and group support

The Success Guarantee

I 100% stand behind the process I teach, but that doesn’t mean you’re required to do it all, do it perfectly, or do it in any particular order. Take the parts that work for you, take what you need when you need it, and discard any coaching or strategy that doesn’t match the business you want to run.

My goal is that you know exactly how to market, sell, create demand for your offers, and scale in ways that feel good to you without burning yourself out. I guarantee you’ll learn those things and my team and I will help you implement those things.

If you commit to implementing what you’re learning, tracking your weekly results, and you’ll MORE than make your investment back.

It’s that simple.

Refund Policy

Once we chat about your application, and we’re both a “fuck yeah,” it’s highly unlikely that you won’t be a fit once you’re inside.

You get immediate access to years of my intellectual property, processes, and coaching once you pay therefore, there are no refunds or payment cancellations available.

There are no refunds for changing your mind, “feeling complete” part-way through, or if you don't like the coaching you receive. I have an open door policy, so if something comes up please bring it to me. I won't ever judge you and I believe in our ability to find a collaborative solution to any issue.


Whether you make a lot of money in one round or go slower (like I did in the beginning!) committing to the work provided here is the shortest route to success.

I encourage you to commit to the program for at least one to two years to give yourself the space and time to test, tweak, and master the process for your business.

7-figures in 20 hours a week doesn't happen by accident. There's work involved and it may happen for you quickly or it make take a bit to get all your systems firing the way you want them to. Commit to the end result you want. This program is the fastest, most effective way to get there.

Learn from my experience — hopping from one coach or process to the next every 6 months slows you down.

I love my clients and I’m here to support you for as long as you’re in my programs!

Client Win

I tried it on my own for 6 years and after working with Melanie, things just grew so much faster than I could have imagined. It’s been so much more fun and easy. I've gotten fully booked with a waitlist and doubled my prices. I've started a group and sold it out.

Now there are a lot more zeros in my bank account! The ROI here is just off the charts.


~ Lisa Sharp

If you're ready to scale simply and sustainably so you can make the impact you started all this for,

the Feminist Business Accelerator is going to change everything for you.

Your 7-figure success story starts right now.

I'll see you inside.

Client Win

I went from having $4K-5K months to over $20K months…numbers I didn’t think were possible! I’m much more successful in my business than I was before working with her – 10x more – and I’m having way more fun, it’s much easier, and I’m not working crazy hours.

Plus Melanie's created the most supportive group I've ever been in.

~ Sarah Henderson

Client Wins

This week I created a brand new 1:1 copywriting VIP Day offer and I JUST SOLD IT to a dream client!

I love that I've created an offer that honors the way I want to work!

~ Whitney Filloon

Apply to The Feminist Business Accelerator

If you want to reach 7 figures in 20 hours a week in the simplest, most efficient (and FUN) way possible, apply now.

We'll make sure you're a good fit for the program and get you started this week.

Take 2 minutes to fill out your application below.

If you're a good fit, we'll invite you to a call to show you how we'll reach your goals in the Accelerator!


Am I even a feminist entrepreneur?

I get it — not everybody thinks of themselves this way like I do.

Lemme break it down: If you value humanity; seek to make the world a better place for everyone; care about diversity, equity, inclusion, and  anti-racism; want to run an ethical business aligned with your integrity; and believe that rising tides lift all boats — you're a feminist entrepreneur.

These are the things that I value, and the fact that you're here means you do too.

Also: there's no "perfect" amount of feminist — you're feminist enough wherever you are now. There will always be more to learn and grow into at every stage of business.

How do I know if I'm ready for the Accelerator?

You're ready if:

You’ve been in business at least a few years, have a handful of clients, and made at least $40k in the last year

You work with clients in coaching, consulting, done-for-you or done-with-you online services

You're closing in on $5k-$10k months and want to make multiple 6 and 7-figures a year

You want to have folks joining your audience & make sales every month

You're not freaked out about raising your prices or showing up on social media

You're already successful and want to scale without working more hours

You've been coached before, you're an action taker, and you're decisive AF

You have or are about to add at least 1 team member not including you (VA, social media person, etc)

You’re committed to the long-term growth of your business and devote at least 10-20 hours to it weekly

You identify as a woman or non-binary person

You want your feminist/progressive values to lead your business and client relationships

Will I have an opportunity to be coached 1:1 by Melanie?

You will have a LOT of opportunities to be coached by me. Raise your hand on our weekly group calls. Submit requests for coaching on calls you can't be present for and watch the replay. Ask for coaching and feedback in the FB community. Come to the in-person retreats.

Even if you NEVER ask to be personally coached by me, you'll get coached by my team, as well as through others' requests on things you didn't even know you needed. Yep, you can be an introvert and still get what you need!

What other kinds of support do I get?

You can come to any of the 3-4 weekly group calls (they're not required but I recommend committing to at least 1 a week), ask questions in our lively FB community with your fellow BBs cheering and helping you, and monthly calls with my team of support coaches.

You’ll also be invited to in-person retreats where we’ll commune, strategize, work, learn, coach, do photoshoots, and have some adventures! My clients say these retreats are one of their favorite parts of this program. Please note: Travel and lodging are not included.

When are the calls? Do I have to be on camera?

There are multiple calls each week. Exact schedule TBD and begins in October 2023. You do not have to be on camera, but please be present and undistracted so you get what you need.

What if I feel weird asking for coaching?

I get it. Being real about what's not working feels vulnerable in a culture where we're taught that if you're not winning ALL THE TIME you're a loser and that if you don't appear outwardly successful you should be ashamed about it.

This is a shame-free zone. There's nothing you're dealing with in your business that we haven't heard AND been through before, and we hold you with love when things are hard so you can get the support you need. We’re all on the same journey and all here cheering you on.

I keep it real and transparent with my business failures, course corrections, and wins so you can learn from all of it and know you're not alone. The entrepreneur journey is 90% fails (aka, trying shit and figuring out what works for you). We'll teach you how to be resilient so you can keep going no matter what.

How soon will I see results?

The honest answer is, it depends on you and your current situation. Most of our clients are able to make their investment back within the first 1-2 months. Others might take a few extra months to nail their messaging and call in new clients.

We recommend you set aside 2-4 hours per week to go through the program, be on or watch coaching calls, and implement the work.

We also recommend completing your weekly tracker so we can help you every week. Our goal is for you to see results quickly so you can have the impact you're here for.

As soon as you're accepted, you'll get access to the lessons so you can start making more money as soon as you join - many clients make their investment back within the first 2 months!  If you struggle, you have plenty of support to help you as well.

The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll start seeing results.

What happens at the end of 6 months together?

You have a few options! You can renew into the program and keep growing until you get to $1 million in 20 hours a week. You can ask about our next level group. Or you can complete and keep going on your own.

I’m on your team regardless (and for life really), cause this ain’t a cult — it’s a business mastermind. 

If you haven't reached your goals in 6 months, we need to spend a little more time figuring out why and executing strategy — long enough for you to see the results of that work. Hopping to another program or going it alone usually takes more time because you’re either spending time learning a whole new process or burning yourself out trying 100 different strategies by yourself.

If you’re reaching your goals and feeling rad, keep going so we can challenge the limiting stories about success (and the next level!) that every entrepreneur navigates, and so we can strategize around the obstacles that will show up on the way to your next level.

Is this program only for coaches?

Not at all!

I have a bit of a presence in the coaching world so many coaches join, but this process works for any online service-based business.

I’ve worked with copywriters, website designers, lactation consultants, realtors, political candidates, therapists, psychic mediums, Reiki masters, photographers & videographers, course creators, digital marketers, and more.

Do you help set up tech?

Not personally, though I'll walk you through simple tech, funnels, and email automations.

I’m IN! What should I do next?

Fill out your application! If you’re a good fit, I'll reach out for a quick chat to make sure we’re vibing. If we’re both a "fuck yes", then you’ll pick your payment option, get onboarded, and join us on the weekly calls!

Here's what our clients are saying...

Client Wins

My business prior to my first round was struggle city. Now it feels a lot more relaxed - I don’t worry about money or clients coming in. I’ve had a more consistent stream of income than I’ve ever experienced in four years in business…the more I am who I am the more money I make and it’s an incredible thing.

~ Christina Kwan

Got questions? Drop us a line! We're here to help!


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